MimioCapture 3
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Preguntas frecuentes
- What is the difference between the MimioTeach device and the MimioCapture device? Read More >>
The MimioTeach system is used with a projector, which allows you to display your computer screen on the whiteboard. You can directly interact with lessons and presentations using the MimioTeach stylus. The MimioCapture system is an accessory to the MimioTeach device, which allows you to capture dry erase notes or drawings directly from the whiteboard using the MimioCapture pens. A projector cannot be used with the MimioCapture system.
- The MimioCapture pens are showing incorrect colors in MimioStudio™ Notebook. Read More >>
It is possible that the colors have been changed in the settings within MimioStudio Notebook. Check the stylus color settings by going to Tools > Settings > Ink Capture > Pens (on a PC), or Notebook > Preferences > Ink Capture > Pens (on a Mac).
- The pen/eraser for the MimioCapture system is not working. Read More >>
If one of the pens or the eraser for the MimioCapture system does not seem to be functioning correctly, try replacing the battery. If replacing the battery does not resolve the issue, try using one of the other MimioCapture pens, or borrow an eraser from another classroom to see if you get the same result. If you determine that the pen or eraser is defective, contact customercare@boxlight.com for additional troubleshooting.
- There are amber LEDs on the MimioCapture pens and eraser. Read More >>
If the MimioCapture pens and eraser are showing amber LEDS, there is a loss of range when writing/erasing, and there are missing lines in the software, it means that they need to be charged. To charge the pens and eraser, place them in the MimioCapture tray. If the pens and eraser show a green LED when in the MimioCapture tray but do not seem to be charging, contact customercare@boxlight.com for additional troubleshooting.
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MimioCapture 3
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